Winter is coming. There’s no sense in denying it, although each year around this time we try. The fact is, the coldest and longest season in Canada is just around the corner and it won’t make a difference whether you’re ready for it or not, the temperatures will still drop, the days will still get shorter and the snow will still come. With that in mind, it’s probably better if you just bundle yourself up, go outside and make sure that all of your outdoor patio furniture is properly taken care of.
Step 1: Take stock of all of the outdoor patio furniture you came to know so well over the summer. The lounge chair you spent all those sunny afternoons snoozing on. The table where you put your drinks when you hosted that neighbourhood barbecue. That outdoor sofa by the pool. If you’re not one of those fortunate homeowners with lots of indoor storage space, then all of those things will need to be taken care of during the winter season, which means that you’ll need to consider investing in outdoor patio furniture covers that will help extend the life of your outdoor patio furniture.
Step 2: Head to your local outdoor patio furniture store and ask for advice on the best covers that will protect your patio furniture. Not all outdoor patio furniture covers are made equal, so be sure to let them know as many details as possible about the conditions that your furniture will need to withstand, and the budget that you have to spend on this important investment. Some outdoor patio furniture covers are decorative, while others are made specifically to help with weather and waterproofing, which is great for dealing with Canadian winters.
Step 3: Once you purchase the appropriate outdoor patio furniture covers, it’s important that before you put them to use, you thoroughly clean the furniture so that it’s free of dust, dirt, and possible moisture. Even with covers on them, it’s best to put your outdoor patio furniture in storage or keep them as much as possible away from the elements, such as underneath your deck, where they’ll be somewhat protected from ice, snow and eventually, rust or mold.
Although some of us are still in denial that summer is truly over, it’s definitely time to start preparing outdoor patio furniture for the winter. In doing so early, before the snow and ice has a chance to cause damage, you ensure that all of your favourite chairs and tables will be in great condition for you to enjoy next spring. After all, one of the best parts of winter is when it’s finally over and you get to enjoy that first warm, sunny day lounging in the backyard.